Sunday 27 October 2013

Use of wildlife in circuses banned!

The UK had great news this week that the use of all wild animals in circuses will finally be banned by 2015! 

Earlier this summer MP's recommended that Elephants and all big cats be banned from being kept and used in the travelling circus trade, however this ban will now be extended to include all wild animals. 

Animals have been used in circuses since the early 18th century, with some of the most common species seen being big cats, elephants, horses, and bears. 

The RSPCA has expressed its relief that this ban will eventually be made law in the UK but hopes that eventually it will occur worldwide. Many countries have already banned the use of wild animals but there are still countries where performing animals are still common. There already exists a licensing scheme to protect animals in the circus, however it does not successfully safeguard the welfare of the animals. 
Many charities and organisations have been involved in the campaign to remove wild animals from the circus due to the poor living conditions that they endure whilst performing and travelling around the country. 
"“As the Government has pointed out, there is absolutely no basis for protecting only a select group of wild animals, and no desire to do so from MPs, the public or animal welfare groups. No wild animals belong in a circus." - RSPCA senior scientist Dr Ros Clubb.
According to the article published in The Express this week, the RSPCA and the Born Free foundation have offered to help re-home the animals after they leave the circus. 

There is, however, a downside to this brilliant news. Although the ban will prohibit the use and display of wild animals, no doubt dramatically reducing the number of animals exposed to these poor conditions, there is a loophole that states that animals may still be kept by circuses. This loophole means that, providing they are not used for performance or put on display to the public, circuses are still able to keep and travel with their animals. 

Born free USA have compiled a list of Ten facts about animals in the circus including the fact that from 1994 to 2005, at least 31 elephants died premature deaths in the circus. 

I'm sure that all animal lovers agree that no animal should be kept in such awful conditions and forced to perform in front of extremely large and noisy crowds, so the news of this ban will be appreciated by many. However it seems that we are still a long way from ensuring that animals are banned from being kept in these conditions permanently. 

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