
So a few of you might be wondering who is behind this blog and what sort of background I have that has lead me to an interest in Animal News. 

Well to start with, I am Jade (and that is my bunny Crunchie). I'm 22 and I am currently living in Plymouth, UK, where I'm studying Animal Behaviour and Welfare at university. I'm in my third year and, honestly, have no idea what I want to do after I graduate. 

Before Uni I did a two year college course in Animal Care and have wanted to work with them ever since I could remember and have considered every career possible within this field. 

So what lead me to blogging? Well just like every other teenager out there (ok ok I know I'm not a teenager anymore don't remind me) I do tend to spend a hell of a lot of time online. So I thought, why not combine the two things I enjoy most and bam here we are. 

So the main aim of this blog is to cover the most interesting animal news stories I can find and to put them across in a way that the general public can read easily. No scientific mumbo jumbo. Just fun, interesting, possibly important news stories involving everybody's favourite furry's (or not so furry's). 

New for 2014: 
I was thinking, that considering I spend a lot of time visiting zoos and other animal organisations with my university course, I may start doing some reviews of the places that I visit. Hopefully this will give you some ideas for a good day out whilst helping raise some money for the organisations that do so much for animals!

I hope you enjoy and feel free to contact me through the contact page!