Tuesday 22 October 2013

False facts about the False Widow!


Okay so this story has been ongoing over the last few months and peoples uneducated opinions are starting to annoy me! So here's a little post to clear this up.

You may have heard about this "new species" of spider terrorizing the UK or you may even have heard, as I read in The Mirror this morning, that the notorious Black Widow has arrived in the UK from the USA. This is all false.
The spider in question, has in fact been a resident of the UK for over a century, with its first sightings occurring in Devon back in 1879!

The current stories in the press state that the venom of this spider is "deadly" and that we should fear this little critter terribly. The False Widow can in fact bite humans, however its venom is no more deadly than a bee sting, unless you are unlucky enough to suffer an allergic reaction (which is VERY unlikely). 

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not the hugest fan of spiders, but these news reports are nothing more than scare mongering and causing people to kill any spider they may come across "just in case". 

Take a read of these 6 facts about the False Widow and I'm sure all your worries will be answered!  

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